

Interdisciplinary Research for Arctic Coastal Environments (InteRFACE)
(U.S. DOE/BER, Senior Personnel, 2019-2022)

Collaborative Research: Understanding Arctic Marine Biogeochemical Response to Climate Change for Seasonal to Decadal Prediction Using Regional and Global Climate Models (NSF-OPP, co-PI, 2014-2018) Summary

JAMSTEC-IARC Collaborative Study, Theme 10: Arctic System Modeling (IARC-JAMSTEC, 2009-2014)

Influence of Sea Ice on Arctic Marine Sulfur Biogeochemistry in the Community Climate System Model (CCSM) (U.S. DOE/EPSCoR, PI, 2008-2011/2013) Summary

International Collaboration to Achieve Circumpolar Synthesis and Integration: Fate of sea ice and arctic ecosystem feedbacks (NSF-ARC-0652838, co-PI, 2008-2010)

Collaboration on In-situ Observation, Remote Sensing and Modeling in the Pacific Arctic Ocean (IARC-JAXA, 2009)

Sea Ice-Ocean-Atmosphere Coupled Model and Coupled Physical Biological Model and IARC-JAMSTEC Arctic Marine Ecosystem Modeling Project (IARC-JAMSTEC, 2004-2009)

Modeling Study on the Response of Lower Trophic Level Production to Climate Change (NPRB, co-PI, 2006-2008)

Multi-Disciplinary Group (IARC–Frontier/JAMSTEC, 2000-2004)

Sulfur Gas Emissions from Northern Ocean Regions (Center for Global Change and Arctic System Science, Cooperative Institute for Arctic Research, PI, 1994-1996)

Natural Deterrents to Herbivory in Alaska Trees and Shrubs (NSF, Research Assistant, Research Advisor was PI)

Atlantic Stratocumulus Transition Experiment-Marine Aerosol and Gas Experiment (NASA, Research Assistant, Research Advisor was PI)

Long Range Ocean Dispersion Experiment (NOAA, Idaho Falls Research Laboratory, Research Intern)

Photosynthetic Performance of Kelp in Alaska North Coast Boulder Patch, (Standard Alaska Production Company, Research Assistant, Research Advisor was PI)